What is Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy Brings the Study of Energy out of the Realm of Quantum Physics and Puts it in the Palms of Your Hands
“True health is the harmony of life within us, consisting of peace of mind, happiness and well-being. It is not merely a question of physical fitness, but is rather a result of the soul finding free expression through the mind and body of the individual.” — Dr. Randolph Stone, Developer of Polarity Therapy
Today, modern scientific research has begun documenting the higher truth behind energy and matter. For millennia, Eastern medicine and traditions have known of the healing power of energy. It’s only now in recent decades that the Western approach to health has begun to consider these truths. This fact is an amazing step forward when it comes to revolutionizing how we think about our health.
Growing up, I never really went to the doctor, unless it was serious. Granted, this was partly because my family didn’t have health insurance. Nevertheless, those circumstances taught me to be more reliant on my body and mind when it came to recovering from a cold or the flu.
At age 19 I began studying bodywork at the Utah College of Massage Therapy. That was my first exposure to alternative medicine. I learned modalities such as craniosacral , acupressure, reflexology and shiatsu. Fast forward 12 years and thousands of hours of experience, and you would have found me attending a Polarity Therapy introduction class and eventually a “Polarity I” course.
I fell in love with the modality right from the start! Polarity Therapy is on the cutting edge when it comes to integrating Eastern and Western medicine. It beautifully and scientifically brings the study of energy out of the esoteric realm of quantum physics and puts it in the palms of your hands – quite literally.
Because of my own experience with this modality, I believe it should be taught to as many healers as possible. Even if they themselves end up not practicing the modality. It will provide them with a greater understanding of how we are all uniquely qualified to help heal ourselves and others.
Polarity Therapy Can Help You and Your Family
Imagine, being able to provide you and your family with healing energy and support on the physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual plane. Imagine, you and your children experiencing fewer colds, a balanced hormonal system, and emotional stability. Imagine yourself feeling healthy and strong. Now imagine a world where we all have the wisdom and knowledge to heal ourselves and provide healing support for others. I believe Polarity Therapy has the potential to do just that.Science is beginning to discover and shed light upon the mystery’s of energy and consciousness. It has shown that there are subtle electromagnetic forces which bind the parts of an atom together, this has led to the understanding that all things are made up of energy, even the toughest matter known to humankind is condensed energy. We too are energy – there are subtle patterns of energy which create and sustain all living things. This “life force” is expressed in a variety of ways, ie. through inanimate objects, organic material (our physical bodies), human thoughts and feelings, as well as how it all relates to each other, in other words, relationships.
When we are truly well, our bodies vibrate vitality and our thoughts and emotions are in alignment with our soul’s truth. The polarity model sees the body’s imbalances as a culmination of information entered into the body’s systems long ago. In other words, one’s body, mind and emotions are a result of past circumstances – the law of cause and effect. Polarity serves to help balance, neutralize, eliminate and harmonize our entire being. You could think of it as opening all the locked doors and windows to our bodily temple. This allows fresh air (energy) to flow in and clear away dis-ease and dis-harmony.
The practice utilizes a hands-on approach. A session may involve physical contact, toning, breathing and gentle counseling techniques. This type of work incorporates a natural-holistic health care system. I’ve found that it enhances the other modalities I use in my practice, as well as helps improve my inter-personal relationships. This is why I believe it is a modality all holistic healers should study.
The Nuts and Bolts Behind Polarity Therapy
Polarity works with life energy in all of its forms, using a comprehensive system of bodywork, exercise, nutritional guidance, and verbal counseling to bring body, mind, emotions, and spirit into a state of balance, harmony and vibrant health. It was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone (1890-1981), an osteopath, chiropractor, and naturopath who sought to integrate Eastern and Western approaches to healing modalities such as reflexology, acupressure, craniosacral balancing, yoga, and Ayurveda.
This integrative modality is more than just a collection of techniques – It is truly a scientific art of natural healing. The principles behind Polarity encourage balance and the healing flow of energy. Dr. Stone believed this to be the underlying essence of all healing arts. Just look at our world today, we can see a growing number of health care professionals: medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, physical therapists (my partner, Dr. Akemi Rico), and massage therapists (myself) who are joyfully and successfully incorporating Polarity Therapy into their practice.
If I were to compare the INHA Community to a modality, I feel that Polarity Therapy would be a great example. Our community consists of many different healers and “health seekers” – Yet there is an underlying thread that weaves us all together, the thread of love and energy. No matter our profession, we all know that these two aspects of the universe are all pervading, all knowing, and all healing.
Content Source – Information Gathered from the: APTA – American Polarity Therapy Association and Life Science Institute.
Q&A – Questions and Actions
What are your thoughts on Polarity Therapy?
What has been your experience with Polarity?
Take some time to learn more about this modality and find a practitioner near you.
If you’re able to, please get a Polarity session and tell us about it.
If you’ve study this technique, please share with us your insights and let us know what school you attended.